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Our Coverage: MiMedx NASDAQ:MDXG

MiMedx Group is a biomedical company based in Marietta, Georgia, founded in 2008. Using tissues from birth such as the placenta, amniotic sac, and umbilical cord, MiMedx creates skin and bone tissue. VIEW ALL MIMEDX REPORT DOWNLOADS

MiMedx – Bankruptcy & DOJ/FBI indictments of Physician-Owned Medical Center inconvenienced MiMedx CPM channel stuffing program

MiMedx – Bankruptcy & DOJ/FBI indictments of Physician-Owned Medical Center inconvenienced MiMedx CPM channel stuffing program

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This report focuses on commercial relationships with currently indicted individuals for fraud with direct trading links with MiMedx and  Physician Owned Distributors (PODs) in Texas with more to come. PDF Download Link In this report, we detail exactly what MiMedx management withheld about its relationship

MiMedx – More whistleblowers come forward with details of MiMedx sales scheme

MiMedx – More whistleblowers come forward with details of MiMedx sales scheme

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PDF Report Download Link Viceroy has previously published on MiMedx detailing its dubious hiring practices, connections to related party employee-owned distributors, improper government filings and undisclosed SEC investigation. Since publication many former MiMedx employees that are not in legal conflict with MiMedx have reached out

MiMedx – Ex-employees blow the lid on MiMedx sales scheme

MiMedx – Ex-employees blow the lid on MiMedx sales scheme

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Prior to Viceroy’s publications, we filed a significant data bundle of evidence to the SEC Whistleblower program. We always believe where appropriate in notifying regulators first. We under some may not wish to disclose or communicate with Viceroy, however can contact the SEC directly:

MiMedx – MiMedx’s selective non-compete litigation & questionable disclosures

MiMedx – MiMedx’s selective non-compete litigation & questionable disclosures

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PDF Download Link While Viceroy pieces together further damning evidence of MiMedx’s dwindling relationship with the Department of Veteran Affairs, investors should question the discretionary nature of MiMedx’s aggressive litigation. Namely against employees which have breached their non-compete with the company. Viceroy has previously published

MiMedx – Part 2 – The same old story; Mimedx’s response is typical of companies trying to cover their tracks and is unacceptable.

MiMedx – Part 2 – The same old story; Mimedx’s response is typical of companies trying to cover their tracks and is unacceptable.

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MiMedx cherry-picked a handful of bulls for the September 21 call last week, restricting access for their own investors and others with an interest in the events that transpired on the week ending September 22, 2017. During the call, analysts asked pertinent questions that remain

MiMedx – MiMedx’s (NASDAQ:MDXG) employment of kickback & bribery scheme inducers makes it uninvestable.

MiMedx – MiMedx’s (NASDAQ:MDXG) employment of kickback & bribery scheme inducers makes it uninvestable.

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Viceroy Research uncovered substantial previously-unreported data evidencing an incestuous hiring policy from a kickback & bribery scheme, a possible SEC enforcement investigation, and indications of channel stuffing. Sean McCormack – MiMedx’s “New Market Initiatives Director” – was an instrumental figure in Advanced BioHealing’s kickback and

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