April 16, 2024 – Below is the letter sent by US Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey to MPW and Macquarie. In their words (emphasis ours):
“According to MPT disclosures, these loans “help safeguard the value of MPT’s real estate.” Meanwhile, these investments have all the appearances of a Ponzi scheme that is continuing to harm Steward-owned hospitals: MPT continued to provide capital to Steward, which allowed the hospital system to continue paying rent to MPT. This allowed MPT to avoid devaluing its real estate purchases and the leases that it held, bolster its stock price, and report lucrative cash flows.”
The senators are using the same language that Viceroy used to descibe MPW’s arrangement with Steward calling it similar to a ponzi scheme and describing the key elements of a round-trip of funds. We wonder if MPW will be taking senators Warren and Markey to court for accurately describing their business.
The letter is also available at this link.