Viceroy puts the spotlight on Grenke’s chicanery; swindling small businesses, laundering money for criminals, & accounting fraud.
September 14, 2020 – Viceroy Research is short Grenke AG (XTRA: GLJ).
Grenke’s global expansion through the purchase of dozens of undisclosed related party franchises is a fraudulent scheme perpetrated on a mass scale, designed to either hide fake cash or siphon off millions of euros to undisclosed related parties, or both.
Grenke’s banking division has been a conduit for the proceeds of crime and money laundering, and could face the loss of its banking license.
Grenke’s leasing model facilitates and encourages rampant fraud from resellers, resulting in bad debt, protracted legal disputes and the defrauding of small businesses, the government, and charities. Legitimate leasing of small ticket tech is becoming increasingly redundant, in outdated and fast diminishing business segments.
Viceroy Research believes Grenke AG’s stock is uninvestable due to blatant accounting fraud, including dozens of undisclosed related party transactions, and the complete lack of internal controls, right down to individual due diligence on customers.
Grenke’s bonds are hovering above junk territory due to capital adequacy stemming from its banking business, which we believe is hiding fake cash, and is actively used to launder money for binary options scams, crypto scams, and fraudulent unregulated trading platform.