JANUARY 7, 2019 – Ebix has characteristically ramped its press-release flow since the publication of Viceroy’s initial report and continued its acquisition spree. This report concerns management’s disregard for corporate governance, lack of transparency and due diligence.
Ebix Inc (NASDAQ: EBIX) have come out with multiple acquisitions and service “deals” since our multiple publications on the Company. On further investigation, we found that one of Ebix’s announced contracts had not yet been finalized. Ebix retracted its press release about a Dubai Forex Services contract: investors were misled on the status of the contract.
This is a major red flag, and exaggerates what we believe is an already extremely high risk investment strategy at Ebix.
Investors will note that Ebix have avoided commenting on the audit committee’s recommendation for Ebix to retain the services of Top 4 Auditor for regulatory reasons. We can only assume the Top 4 preferred to give ad hoc accountancy advice rather than full audit responsibilities.
This report will also dive into Ebix’s near-miss attempted acquisition of now-insolvent Patriot National, which the company was looking to acquire just before its spectacular collapse.
Ebix have so far decided to have fireside chats with investors while referring to our work as an old short thesis. Ebix have refused to account for Robin Raina’s poison pill bonus, the treatment of goodwill and the accounting irregularities.
Our research into Ebix is ongoing however we believe the information puts into context Ebix’s recent announcements. We will shortly publish further data pertaining to the Ebix group’s internal cash movements.