November 28, 2018 – Viceroy published its report on NEPI Rockcastle on November 28, 2018. NEPI Rockcastle have subsequently issued a preliminary response to our report.
Viceroy Response 28 Nov 2018 – Download Link
We note that our data was sourced directly from NEPI’s filings, government records, and court records. Where we have conducted calculations, our analysis and workings have been show in full. Investors have the ability to determine the veracity of our analysis and conduct their own due diligence.
We are not of the opinion that NEPI has consistently proven transparency towards shareholders, the latest example of which is the outright refusal to engage an independent party to investigate potential trading of associated companies, suspicious capital raising activity and property transactions, at the request of 10 of South Africa’s largest financial institutions (including Government fund managers).
In stark contrast to any “reasons” NEPI provides for accounting discrepancies, investors should also note with extreme caution that the Company failed to provide details of outgoings, arrears, management matters, negotiations, rent reviews, to its valuers, Cushman & Wakefield. This was not an issue for all its other geographies.
Further to this, analysis of NEPI’s Romanian portfolio accounts show the company has, on average, 80 days of accounts receivable. This is indicative of substantial rent arrears, and fails the company’s claim of a 99.9% collection rate. These issues are independent of where earnings have been recognized, if this should indeed be NEPI’s response, and would not account for discrepancies in taxes paid in foreign jurisdictions.
We look forward to NEPI’s comprehensive response to our report.