New insights on MiMedx instructions to physicians on how to fraudulently increase compensation.
Following the release of our previous report titled “Viceroy release MiMedx EOB emails”, Viceroy Research have been contacted by physicians corroborating MiMedx’s role in distributing EOB to fraudulently increase Medicare reimbursement. This occurs through the reclassification of AmnioFix products as EpiFix products in order to obtain Medicare reimbursements.
MiMedx’s recent nonsensical responses to our research have been evasive and does not acknowledge that at its core, the practice construes Medicare fraud. In order to demonstrate this, Viceroy set a Honeypot. MiMedx in their desperation to mislead investors, have taken our bait.
While the issue of reclassifying MiMedx product to exploit federal billing facilities was a major issue, there was another underlying element to the EOB.
Consider the following: in principle, Medicare reimbursements cover 80% of the cost of any treatment used as well as 80% of the Medicare application fee. Typically, this means a reduced payment for the patient, however by utilizing a larger graft than is necessary a physician can be reimbursed more than the cost of treatment.
Per the Rosenberger email, how can MiMedx justify physicians PROFITING from Medicare when system is intended to cover a PORTION of costs?
Viceroy yesterday showed MiMedx has zero credibility regarding their statements. Previously MiMedx had state to investors AvKare wasn’t an intermediary, controlled sales and it was all lies. MiMedx know full well what the implications of Mike Carlton’s deposition under oath means. There is no commentary, statements issued by MiMedx are purely intended to manipulate a situation where blind and naive analysts continue to promote the stock.