Viceroy releases MiMedx sales records that directly contradict company statements. MiMedx, which department will Viceroy expose next?
Part 11 MiMedx Ortho Sales Report
MiMedx has increasingly come under pressure from both analysts and short sellers over the past month. The market is waking up to find MiMedx’s closet of skeletons quickly spilling open. Dubious hiring practices, physician owned distributors, employee owned distributors and poor corporate governance are all coming into focus. The specter of action by the United States Department of Justice, Office of the inspector General of Veteran’s Affairs and the Securities and Exchanges Commission now hangs over the company.
Viceroy has obtained documents from former MiMedx employees detailing sales targets and historical figures broken down by distributor. The information directly contradicts statements made by MiMedx. Viceroy believes that MiMedx has systematically and deliberately misled investors and stakeholders and has forwarded this information to the relevant authorities.